my little pony

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Welcome, to this my little pony site.

there are so many types of my little ponies around so i'm going to talk to you about them.

you can look at photos and learn about the ponies names and how to spot the fake ponies from the real.

Whats a mlp?

A mlp is a short way of saying My Little Pony.

My little ponies are always different colours and shapes and there are alot of collectors out there!

I love to collect my little ponies it's always been my goal in getting a big and successful collection you can see my collection in the photo album(although they are not in thier complete set so i will say what ponies aren't there)

What is a Cutie mark?

have you ever wondered what a mlp's picture on the rump was called? Well they are called cutie marks. the pictures are a sugnivegance to the mlp's name (E.g BonBon is a real mlp

and she has a picture of candy which can be called a bonbon.)

Hope you can learn more about Mlps from this site

Click on this link to see my newest ponies

what's New

feel free to ask any questions!

Red Rose, Spinning


Picture of Princess Pristina

Please get in touch and let me know what you think of this site. Also feel free to contribute to this site with your own tips.

thanks for reading my site!